Quarterly Report: Apr to Jun 2018

Dear Friends,

What a year it has been so far! We have been very active on the campaign trail, and launched a new “movement” called #MiniMeToo, based on the #MeToo principle, but for children. We plan to launch a multi-sectoral platform, through a website that is currently under construction, for victims, service providers and members of the public to gain information, access to resources and to engage in discussion in a forum-type setting.

This launch followed shortly on the heels of another campaign we were intensely involved with. Finally in June, the Constitutional Court  confirmed a High Court order that a section of the Criminal Procedure Act which imposes a 20-year limit on prosecution for sexual assault is unconstitutional. This means that henceforth, victims will be able to charge their abusers criminally, even if the incident happened more than 20 years ago. It is a landmark ruling and a victory for survivors everywhere.

We have also brought the issue of “child abuse images” to the fore again, with a number of high profile cases in which good sentences were handed down. This scourge is ongoing and while children are being tortured and often killed to feed this market, we can’t let the fires of outrage die down.

PLEASE NOTE that our Head Office has moved, and we are now at: 4th Floor, Capital Hill, 6 Benmore Road, Morningside, Sandton.

Our telephone numbers and e-mail addresses remain the same.

Best wishes for the 3rd quarter!