enoch mpianzi

Parktown Boys

MEC Panyaza Lesufi promises to act against Parktown Boys High within 48 hours

Eusebius spoke to the MEC for education in Gauteng Panyaza Lesufi who reacted to the devastating eyewitness account of a Grade 8 learner who was one of the last to see Enoch Mpianzi alive at the river when the tragedy happened  http://www.702.co.za/podcasts/125/the-best-of-the-eusebius-mckaiser-show/281436/mec-panyaza-lesufi-promises-to-act-against-parktown-boys-high-within-48-hours

Parktown Boys High drowning – Call to suspend headmaster over Enoch Mpianzi’s death

https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/parktown-boys-high-drowning-call-to-suspend-headmaster-over-enoch-mpianzis-death-20200121 Women and Men Against Child Abuse is of the view that Enoch Mpianzi’s death was caused by gross negligence. Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA) has called for the suspension of Parktown Boys’ High School’s headmaster Malcolm Williams pending an inquest into Enoch Mpianzi’s death. The advocacy group also [Read More]

Enoch Mpianzi’s death